Daily Announcements


Mon | Tues | Wed | Thur | Fri

Good morning, HHMS students!  Here are your announcements for Thursday, April 28…


LUNCH: Chicken on the beach with Tostitos and Rice or grilled chicken sandwich or pizza, fresh fruit, tossed romaine salad, refried beans; SALAD BAR: Taco, black and refried beans, rice, salad, fruit


Happy Birthday to Murray Becher!


Tonight’s Events...

* Success Clinic with Mrs. Fuhs, 3-4pm

* MS track vs Tell City, 5:00pm


* We will be serving breakfast all week in the Blue Gym.  


* FFA will be holding our April night meeting on Thursday, April 28th.  Food - Fish and fries / Recreation - Kickball


* Reminder of Sports Physicals (needed for 2016-2017 school year) if you are going to participate in school-sponsored sports on May 3 from 5-7:30pm at Santa Claus Family Medicine.


* The HHHS BPA is sponsoring a dance this Friday, 6:30-9pm in the Blue Gym. Admission is $5.


* Red Health today…

Thought for the Day…  “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”